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Vertical Hydroponic Garden


Vertical Hydroponic Garden

Tower Garden Growing Systems

Grow Your Own Fresh Produce Year-Round

Karen Schriefer

Hi, I'm Karen Schriefer.

Five years ago, I had never heard of Juice Plus or Tower Garden. It was early spring, and I was in the backyard getting my vegetable garden ready for planting. I was sweaty and dirty from tilling the soil and pulling up weeds and remnants from the prior year's' crops (which we had unwillingly shared with the deer). 

My neighbor saw me and came over with a smile on her face and said, "You know, if you had a Tower Garden, you wouldn't have to worry about doing all of this hard work." I had no idea what she was talking about, but I was definitely interested in hearing more about it. Well, let me tell you, I was so impressed with what she showed me that I ordered a Tower Garden that very same day, and threw away my gloves and shovel (LOL!).

So, rather than purchasing plants at the store and planting them in the soil-based garden like I had been doing for years, I started my own seedlings and grew them in my Tower Garden. 

Let's just say, the only thing I now plant in the dirt --- is flowers.

What is a Tower Garden?

Tower Garden by Juice Plus is a vertical, aeroponic growing system that provides a clean, simple way to grow fresh, healthy produce, indoors or outdoors, all year-round. It allows you to grow 20+ vegetables, fruits, herbs and flowers in less than three square feet of space, so it's the perfect companion in your journey toward living a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.

Aeroponic Tower Garden

Aeroponics, in case you're not familiar, is a form of hydroponics in which the roots of the plants are literally suspended in the air, receiving their nutrition from a special blend of nutrient-rich water. With a Tower Garden, the mineral solution gently cascades over the roots of each plant in regular time intervals with the use of a small pump set on an automatic timer.  

Hydroponics vs Soil

It is my personal belief that once you try hydroponic gardening, you'll never want to go back to soil gardening. Here are my five favorite reasons why hydroponic gardening leaves soil gardening in the dirt...

Say Goodbye to Weeding (Whoop! Whoop!)

This is a huge benefit for me because I suffer from arthritis, and digging and pulling up weeds is hard on my back, knees, and hands. With a vertical hydroponic garden, weeding is a thing of the past!

Enjoy Fresh Produce From Tower to Table

It simply doesn't get any fresher or more convenient than this! Want a garden salad with your grilled steak? Fresh herbs on your pizza? Zucchini for a side dish? No problem, just pick and prepare on demand! 

Save Money vs Store Bought Produce 

Buying fresh produce for your family from the grocery store can be extremely expensive, especially if you buy organic. The beautiful thing about growing your own produce at home is that you can get multiple rounds of fresh produce that looks and tastes much better than store-bought from a single pack of seeds.   

Eco Friendly Garden

Tower Garden's unique design produces 30% more produce, 3 times faster, using 98% less water and 90% less space than traditional soil gardens, making it a smart choice for anyone striving to live a clean lifestyle!

Complete Hydro System

Tower Garden features a closed-loop system in which a pump is used to send the water nutrient solution from the reservoir to the plant roots, and then back to the reservoir. This process is repeated once every hour using a preset timer, making the entire process automated and totally user-friendly. No green thumb required!   

As you can see, there are so many things to love about having a Tower Garden, the hardest decision you'll have to make is which one to get (we'll cover that a little later).  

Sustainable Gardening

The carbon footprint of Tower Garden food is greatly reduced by essentially eliminating the shipping and storage components associated with grocery store produce.

In addition, the vertical design uses 90% less land and water normally required to grow produce, and the closed-system technology recycles 100% of its nutrients and water. 

Last, but not least, the pH-balanced ionic minerals and plant nutrients in the Tower Garden mineral solution produce strong, healthy plants that can better protect themselves from pests and disease—all without the use of pesticides. 

It's like organic, only better, because you have total control of the growing conditions at all times.

As you can see, Tower Garden not only benefits your clean living lifestyle, it's also good for the environment.

Buy Tower Garden

Hydroponic Tower

Your new Tower Garden will arrive at your doorstep complete with everything you need to set it up and get started right away. Simply follow the steps in the Basic Startup Guide and you'll be ready to go in less than 30 minutes! After that, here's how to quickly get growing:

Tower Garden Mineral Blend

Step #2

Tower Garden Mineral Blend

Fill the reservoir at the base of the unit with water. Then add the appropriate amount of Tower Garden Mineral Solution, which is specially formulated to support healthy plant development in aeroponic gardens.

Vertical Hydroponics

Step #3

Vertical Hydroponics

The low-wattage pump which is placed in the reservoir pushes the nutrient solution to the top of the garden (shown here) via a central pipe; the water is then distributed to each plant port, where it drips over the exposed roots of each plant. A pre-set timer automatically cycles this process for 15 minutes each hour.

Start Harvesting in a Few Short Weeks

Step #4

Start Harvesting in a Few Short Weeks

Aside from occasionally checking the water level and PH level of the water in the reservoir, all you need to do is sit back, relax, and be amazed at how easy it is to grow your own fresh produce any time of the year. Best of all, there's no need to rinse...just pick and enjoy!  

Watch the Video For a Short Tour of My Tower Garden.

Your TOWER GARDEN Questions Answered

What's the Difference Between Tower Garden FLEX and Tower Garden HOME?

Tower Garden HOME is designed primarily for use as an indoor garden, and is perfect for homeowners and urban dwellers who want to grow fresh greens and herbs year-round indoors. Tower Garden HOME is available with full spectrum LED lights that closely resemble the natural light from the sun.

Tower Garden FLEX is ideal for gardeners who want to grow larger fruits and vegetables (eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, melons, etc.) outdoors, when the weather is appropriate. Tower Garden Flex can also be used indoors with optional Indoor Grow Lights.

Personally, I prefer the Tower Garden FLEX so that I have the option to grow tomatoes, squash, and cucumbers (as well as greens) outdoors in the spring and summer (I live in Maryland), and greens and herbs indoors in the fall and winter using the indoor grow lights.  

What Do You Need to Get Started?

Tower Garden comes with everything you need to set up your growing system and get started right away, including a Set Up and Growing Guide and Seedling Starter Kit.  The directions are super simple and easy to follow, and no previous gardening experience or green thumb is required!  

By the way, if you're anxious to get growing sooner and don't want to start your plants from seed, there are several certified Tower Garden Seedling Farms around the country where you can purchase very affordable seedlings that can be shipped to your door and placed directly into your Tower Garden. 

Be sure to visit the Rockwool Seedlings page of the website for more information.

How Much Space is Needed?

Tower Garden FLEX growing system takes up about three square feet of space and fits almost anywhere, including patios, decks, porches, balconies, terraces, rooftops, living rooms, and kitchens. I keep mine on my back deck when it's warm outside, and in the corner of my dining room during colder months. 

Tower Garden HOME takes up about 6 square inches less space than the FLEX and fits in practically any corner of your house. Or it can be placed in the center of a room as a unique focal point and conversation starter with guests! 

How Many Plants Can You Grow at One Time?

The number of plants you can grow depends on which growing system you use.  Tower Garden HOME has 32 planting ports; 16 full-size and 16 baby greens ports.

Tower Garden FLEX has 20 planting ports, but can be expanded to 28 with an Extension Kit, and a whopping 52 planting ports with a Baby Greens Extension Kit.

Just imagine being able to grow ALL of these plants within three square feet of space!

Is the Plastic Used in Tower Gardens BPA-Free?

Yes. Tower Garden is made from UV-stabilized, BPA-free, food-grade plastic.

The high-quality plastic resins are compliant with both U.S. Food and Drug Administration guidelines for food contact and European guidelines for Restriction of Certain Hazardous Substances.

In addition to being non-toxic, there is also a 5-year limited warranty on all plastic components of the Tower Garden.

What Grows Well in a Tower Garden?

You can grow over 150 different fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers in this vertical hydroponic garden! The only exceptions are root vegetables, grapevines, bushes and trees.

Some of the most popular foods to grow in your Tower Garden include basil, chard, cucumbers, eggplant, kale, lettuce, peppers, squash, strawberries and tomatoes.

See the complete list of what can be grown in a Tower Garden.

Do I Have to Pay for My Tower Garden All at Once? 

No. You can purchase your new Tower Garden with an Interest Free 12-Month Payment Plan.  

The Juice Plus Company will evenly distribute your total payment, including shipping and taxes, over a 12-month period with no interest charged. 

This means you can enjoy the "fruits" of your Tower Garden for the entire year as you pay for it one month at a time.  

Is Tower Garden Worth the Money?


When you consider the average person spends $500 or more per month on groceries, and a significant percentage of that is produce, especially if you buy organic, the cost of purchasing fresh produce at the grocery store every week really adds up over time.

When you invest in a Tower Garden, the bounty of garden fresh produce you grow and consume year-round, without having to spend a penny at the grocery store, will continue to nourish you and your entire family for many years to come.

Don't Wait to Start Growing Your Own Clean Healthy Food at Home

Get Tower Garden Now

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